Title: Lavender.
Description: Photograph of lavender bracts
Resource type: Image
Source: http://mooseyscountrygarden.com
Date: Retrieved August 10, 2006
Format: jpeg; 32 KB; 600x600 pixels
Resource identifier: http://www.mooseyscountrygarden.com/foliage-plants/lavender.html
Lavandula Officinalis. France is the main producer of lavender, especially in the Haute-Provence, the Drôme and the
Vaucluse regions. Bulgaria, China and Russia also produce it. Es sence of lavender is obtained through steam distillation
of freshly cut flowers. Used in eaux de Cologne. Its name comes from the Latin "lavare" (to wash). It was added to bath
water in antiquity.
Characteristics: floral, herbaceous, balsamic, woody, camphoraceous, fruity (pear).
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